

an archaic word for example
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He yaue ensample, whyche gretly may auayle, As he was oonly taught by nature, To auoyde slou[thorn]e by dylygent trauayle, By honest labour hys lyuelood to procure.
(2) For ensample, bi my sawe Sop mow 3e fonge Of iubiter.
222/7-8: ensample of many seintis, which neden nat to reherse)
Deeper than these corroborating details, however, are the two authors' intentions underlying those particulars--to "fashion a gentleman," to restore the chest, by engaging readers in the quests of characters pursuing their own processes of integration--or, as Spenser puts it, by means of "an historicall fiction," which is for him a very free reworking of "the historye of king Arthure" (a theme creatively adapted by Lewis too) that his audience will "delight to read, rather for variety of matter, then [i.e., 'than'] for profite of the ensample" (Letter 715).
Genevieve's conversional example: "of her good life and conversation many shall take ensample, that they shall leave their sin and shall convert them to God, and shall live religiously, by which they shall have pardon and joy perdurable." Whitelands is a teacher-training college, and Ruskin's goal at the school was to send forth virgins who would help convert England.
However, secret data has unknown value and cannot be adjudged to neatly fit into this ensample before publication.
Discussing Lancelot and Tristram's immoral influence on the Round Table, Arthur derogates the followers of "these my mightiest knights," who have taken "foul ensample from fair names," making "Lancelot" and "Tristram" bywords for chivalric integrity, signifiers that validate any conduct (Guinevere, ll.
By God and by Saynt Johan I shall borowe upon prestholde somwhat For I may say to the, neybour Prat, It is a good dede to punysh such to the ensample Of suche other, how that they shall mell In lyke facyon as these catyfes do.
Through the nut is performed the displacement of the ensample: elastic element--sample holder--sample, to the sliding knife (1).
Donne applauds Albert for providing not only "the bright ensample of the husband" to the English people, but also "that of the father" (p.