
(redirected from enserfed)
Related to enserfed: Serfage


tr.v. en·serfed, en·serf·ing, en·serfs
To make into or as if into a serf.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb (tr)
to make into, or treat like, a slave
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



to make a serf of; place in bondage.
en•serf′ment, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The changes nonetheless were significant; in a reversal of popular conceptions, Slavic democratic institutions were uprooted by autocratic German knights, who also enserfed the region's previously free peasants.
Like many members of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic clergy prior to 1900, Kysilewsky's clerical ancestors were descendants of the old impoverished Ukrainian (Ruthenian) nobility, who had never been enserfed and who cherished traditions of status, learning, and leadership.
We discovered that to Western Europe the liberation of enserfed and silenced Easterners turned out instead to mean "social dumping" by Polish plumbers in France, and "lazy Latvian" construction workers in Sweden, and in our case-- to believe some Finnish newspapers from as late as Spring to 2011, "criminals from Tallinn" disembarking each night in Helsinki harbor by the hundreds-- or, the expression I heard in Munich already in 1990 from my Hausmeisterin after my bicycle was stolen, Heute gestohlen, morgen in Polen (stolen today, tomorrow in Poland).
Within a single generation, formerly free peasants were enserfed, and rebellion against their indentured status unleashed dangerous social tensions, foreshadowing cataclysmic changes.
However, the new German nobility enserfed the indigenous people and accorded them only limited trading and property rights.
[4] However, in her advanced study of Peter the Great, Olga had never seen any of the many anti-Peter cartoons that depict him as an indulged and dangerous cat lording it over the enserfed mice.
(12) Even a brief reading of the chronicles, for example, supplies us with a well articulated typology for territorial aggrandizement, which, for its part, implies travel: princes regularly venture forth in battle, hoping to expand their principalities; (13) fur trappers push into remote regions of the north and east, having exhausted resources closer to hand; (14) missionaries venture far afield to proselytize indigenous peoples; merchants engage in trade with distant nations; enslaved or enserfed peasants flee their bondage for contested borderlands, where they eventually coalesce into the Cossacks hosts.
In addition, the Ministry of Defense, rather than embracing a professional army, insists upon expanding conscription and enserfing thousands of men as their ancestors were enserfed over a century ago.
This work is a major achievement that not only revises conventional interpretations of Prussia and modern Germany, but also challenges the conventional agrarian dualism that distinguishes sharply between an increasingly free rural population in the west, and enserfed villagers in the east.
Subsequently she stopped up many holes which enabled people to be enserfed, but she did not pursue total emancipation.
Prospero at this point has not imagined an alliance between Ferdinand and Miranda; he is motivated, it seems, by his own will to punish Ferdinand for the latter's audacity in claiming any sense of "freedom." Prospero then promises Ariel his freedom in exchange for the newly enslaved or enserfed Ferdinand: "Delicate Ariel, / I'll set thee free for this" (1.2.443-44).
Eastern European and Russian Jews were not enserfed or enslaved, and were usually better off materially than their peasant neighbors.