
(redirected from erotized)
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tr.v. er·o·tized, er·o·tiz·ing, er·o·tiz·es
To imbue with erotic feeling or import.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈɛrəˌtaɪz) or


vb (tr)
to transform into erotic feeling
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
For example, in a paper on 'erotized repetitive hangings', Resnik writes: 'although they are bizarre, these deaths are not medical rarities or forensic curiosities'; (2) while another medical doctor and criminologist, Cordner, describes the conditions of autoerotic death as being of a 'bizarre nature'.
In the context of a globalized world, where information on methods to lose weight flows rapidly through informational networks, it is worth noting that beyond the behavior that has the effect of an excessive weight loss, a subtle and serious psychic dynamics takes place, in which food, or better still, the absence of food, gains an erotized meaning.
(32) In Ziegfeld's song and dance episodes, Orientalism enabled "glorified American girls" to perform as exoticized and erotized others in an invented landscape of sensuality, permissiveness, and opulence.
We present a case of 46-year-old woman, admitted into a psychiatric hospital with crises of psychomotor agitation, disorganized and erotized behavior, persecutory and self-reference delusions, and auditory and visual hallucinations.
And, argues Prendergast, because the women take on shifting gender roles, and because the erotized language of railing is gendered masculine, this too becomes a homoerotic scene despite the biological gender of the participants.
That is, she describes that Asian women are bound to racialized and sexualized ideological representations of being both erotized as hypersexual objects of pleasure while also inferiorized as docile submissive servants.
However, women would show less sexual prejudice and would be less motivated to distancing from homosexuals because the social meaning of femininity involves to a lesser extent opposition to masculinity and homosexuality, which is even frequently erotized (Louderback & Withley, 1997).
border agent arouses the fears of invasion of a female entity--the nation erotized in the body of a woman.
All too often, and in the case of Bad Dreaming, we focus on the erotized, pathologised other, and are unable to look more deeply at our own contribution to the anguish and dysfunction and, more importantly, to the possible development of healthy and healing solutions to human pain and disorder.
In contemporary American culture, women who dress in male clothing (without obscuring their sexual or gender identity) are often erotized, perhaps explaining the link Pierce establishes between Brandon and cinema icons like Dean, Clift, and Brando.
Being fearful, passive, secretive, uncreative, and passionless are the signs of the victims of erotized power.