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McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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*The 3rd escar ASIA - The world's leading automotive Cyber Security conference - running from Sept.
(57) By contrast, there was clearly some local sympathy for a few "poor" Englishmen who had requested permission to stay because they were pursuing cases through the courts; and, a few months later, Governor d'Escars asked the crown what he was to do with several "poor" English prisoners, a solicitor and three pilots, who seem to have posed no threat but were dying of hunger in the chateau.
Esses registros foram considerados como narrativizacoes da pratica, pois como coloca Escars (2002), referindo-se ao historico de caso, "se nao considerarmos o historico do caso um mero suporte para o registro de 'fatos' clinicos, temos que levar em consideracao a propria estrutura do texto, isto e, o fato de que esse texto tenha uma estrutura narrativa, que seja um relato, uma narracao" (p.