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Related to euxenite: Polycrase


A lustrous, blackish-brown mineral consisting primarily of titanium, uranium, and the rare-earth elements cerium, erbium, and yttrium.

[From Greek euxenos, kind to strangers (from its unusual composition) : eu-, eu- + xenos, stranger; see ghos-ti- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Minerals) a rare brownish-black mineral containing erbium, cerium, uranium, columbium, and yttrium
[C19: from Greek euxenos hospitable (literally: well-disposed to strangers), from eu- + xenos stranger; from its containing a number of rare elements]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Tantalum is primarily obtained from the minerals columbite ((Fe, Mn, Mg)[(Nb, Ta).sub.2][O.sub.6]), tantalite ((Fe, Mn)[(Ta, Nb).sub.2][O.sub.6]) and euxenite ((Y, Ca, Er, La, Ce, U, Th)[(Nb, Ta, Ti).sub.2][O.sub.6]).
The NYF Mukinbudin pegmatite field has been known for rare minerals including allanite, euxenite, fergusonite, ilmenorutile, monazite, xenotime and zircon since 2000.
Since the beginning of the 20th century it has been a fruitful collecting area, yielding fine crystals of euxenite, gadolinite, allanite, aeschynite, fersmite and many other species from its rare-earth-enriched pegmatites.
Included were Madagascar rare-earth classics like sharp betafite crystals to 4 cm; well-composed earthy brown sprays of 2-cm euxenite crystals; swarms of loose 1 and 2-cm cubes of lustrous black thorianite; and allanite crystal groups from Madagascar and from Alto Ligonha, Mozambique.
Other minerals reported include xenotime, euxenite, bismutocolumbite, bismutomicrolite, microlite, hambergite, petali te, stilbite and apatite.
Associations include betafite, euxenite, monazite and xenotime-(Y) (DSGM, 1974).
Betafite has been reported from the Ile pegmatite, in association with euxenite, allanite and monazite, and from the Ehiale-Namovela-Massive-Horta group in association with euxenite and samarskite (DSGM, 1974).
Excellent albite, euxenite, monazite and zircon crystals have been found there as well.