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a layer of cells enclosing the apothecium of most lichens
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Bacidia kekesiana is distinguished by the minute birefracting crystals in the exciple, ascospores with 0-4 cells that are 25 (-30) X 1.9(-2.4) [micro]m, and conidia that are bacilliform and <5.5 X <1.2 [micro]m (Harris, 2009).
Finally, the Lecanora symmicta group comprises species with biatorine exciple composed of radiating, gelatinized hyphae, and which almost always lacks algae.
Apothecia rounded to irregular, single or more frequently crowded and coalescing, sessile or strongly adnate, 0,3-0,6 mm in diameter; discs yellow cream to dark brown, flat to convex, very rarely pruinose; true exciple present except in very young or old apothecia, colourless within, outer part with the same pigment as in epiphymenium, laterally 33-50 [micro]m wide, composed of wide, gelatinized, anastomosing radiating hyphae (Fig.
stigmatea (see below) but has oil drops distributed throughout the hymenium and crystals in the exciple (Brodo et al.