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Related to expender: expander
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.expender - someone who spends money to purchase goods or services
customer, client - someone who pays for goods or services
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References in periodicals archive ?
Ainda nao temos a istoria da epoca d'este sucesso, nem e ainda tempo de escrevel-a, visto nao ter ainda xegado o remanso das paixoes para que o escritor, como juiz imparcial, possa expender a verdade sem preterir consideracoes individuaes.
El comercio al por menor, por su parte, independientemente del tamano del establecimiento comercial, se distingue por expender productos de forma directa a los consumidores finales (Castillo, 1987; Bocanegra, 2007).
I am a profligate expender of ordnance, operating under the premise if anything needs shootin' once (besides game), it could probably benefit from a barrage of bullets until its inherent threat potential is absolute zero.
Furthermore, differences in expender type and sample size related to RME and SARME groups were other limitations.