

(Agriculture) any form of labour carried out on a farm
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He claimed to have finished his farmwork, saying he came into Lagos with the intention to find something to do.
Demonstrations of farmwork with the featured tractors, as well as by teams of horses, added to the experience of the weekend.
VOLUME 2: BARN & FARMYARD Volume 2 of America's Rural Yesterday includes photos of farmwork performed in dairy, poultry, and hog barns, as well as the wide variety of tasks performed in the barnyard: ensilaging, stock feeding and watering, haymow loading, threshing, corn grinding, butchering, collecting eggs, root cellaring, and much more.
Bringing farmwork into focus Reader William Muirhead earlier this month used a long lens to take this picture of barley being sown at Hopes of Easter Greenyards Farm, Bannockburn.
To cut losses, Bellita and his wife, Lisa, let go of six workers and started to do farmwork themselves.
Children often missed days due to bad weather or had their farmwork to do.
Intense heat can imperil cars and airplanes, evaporate drinking water supplies, and halt outdoor labor such as farmwork and construction.
Seasonal farmwork is generally a decade-long job rather than a lifetime career.
However, Chris has one of the highest IQ's ever recorded and incredible discipline as he alternates farmwork in Wyoming with research.
Discrimination against Puerto Ricans in farmwork because of their "foreignness" continued to occur even though Congress passed the Nationality Act of 1940 and an amendment to it in 1948 clarifying the "native-born" citizenship status of people born in Puerto Rico (Venator Santiago 2013).
The award, now in its 21st year, sets out to identify the industry's "hidden heroines" - women who are juggling farmwork with childcare and, often, other businesses and commitments too.