

(Agriculture) an area where cattle are kept and fed when being fattened for market
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Fremark operates a third-generation farm in South Dakota, where he raises sorghum, corn, soybeans and spring and winter wheat in addition to managing a feedyard and cow-calf operation.
The event will open with a tour of Xcel Feedyard and an update on OCF Steer Carcass Challenge Cattle, followed by lunch and a presentation by AgBoost.
Cow/calf operators, backgrounding operators and feedyard operators.
Nine of the 11 feedyard owners at the meeting agreed to the proposal.
Feedyard Performance and Carcass Traits of Cattle as Influenced by Stocker Phase Implant Strategy and Yeast Culture (S.
As most of you know, our recent purchase of Lakeside Farm Industries in Canada includes a feedyard. I am only trying to tell you one thing.
This wide range exists both within and between herds and results from several factors, such as season (prevalence is higher in summer than in winter), environmental conditions, and conditions in the feedyard. (2,5)
City A had more than 35 feedyards located in and near it, while City B had one feedyard located beyond the air sampling area.
"MXU Series tractors will perform high-capacity loader operations all day, everyday in a feedyard, or work hard in the field preparing for planting or baling hay"
"IBP would come to your feedyard and bid you a very low price--a bid not to buy, we call it--because they are just searching around for the weakest cattleman.