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(ˈfɛldʃə) ,




(Medicine) (in Russia) a medical doctor's assistant
[C19: Russian, from German Feldscher a field surgeon, from Feld field + Scherer surgeon, from scheren to shear]
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Also recognized by the TMA for their work on the Eastern Outfitters engagement will be: Spencer Ware, AlixPartners, LLP; Alexander Stevenson, Lincoln International; Jennifer Feldsher, Bracewell, LLP; Norman Pernick, Cole Schotz, P.C.; Spence Mehl, RCS Real Estate Advisors, Nicholas Campbell, MERU and Robert Jordan, Kurtzman Carson Consultants.
Compared to the previous 2001 LLH surveys, the use of feldshers and midwives has fallen (4 percent of users living in urban areas consulting with a feldsher or midwife; 11 percent living in rural areas).
Mainstage: Kid-Simple, a radio play in the flesh, Jordan Harrison; dir: Scott Feldsher.
Jaffe, Marty Katz, Paul Feldsher. Executive producers, Allon Reich, Julie Goldstein.
Can a Jewish feldsher (a communal paramedic) or a basic scientist be considered a "Jewish Doctor" as he implies?
In addition, feldsher stations (primary care facilities staffed with physician's assistants) may exist, especially in rural areas.
The MOH requires reporting of all malaria cases; reporting sources include physicians and feldshers (health-care workers similar to physician's assistants who often are the first contact patients may have with the medical system, especially in rural areas) who examine patients in hospitals, polyclinics, diagnostic centers, ambulatory clinics, or individual feldsher stations.
No other bonesetter, "quack," feldsher or other non-medically qualified person ever equaled his fame.
In the preceding 12 months, in the sample as a whole, 52 percent of respondents visited a medical doctor, 5 percent visited a medical assistant (feldsher), and 44 percent did not visit any health professional.
Produced by Michael Burns, Marc Butan, Paul Feldsher. Executive producers, Jeremy Kramer, Jill Sobel Messick.
After co-founding (with Scott Feldsher) Sledgehammer in 1985, Feerst produced 14 world premieres, including works by Mac Wellman, Erik Ehn and Nicky Silver, and more than 30 other productions.