

resembling felt
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The setting was night; Iwasaki had brightened the tower's original orange and white to make the structure look illuminated from within, while orange, yellow, cinnabar, and crimson strings were laid out loosely on the feltlike ground, resembling streaking car lights in an aerial photograph of Tokyo's highways.
(1,20,22) The inner core of the inclusions is composed of tightly packed filaments, which appear amorphous and finely granular, whereas the periphery appears looser and is composed of numerous fine filaments appearing feltlike. The inclusions frequently contain small, lucent membrane-bound vesicles, which resemble cell organelles or could represent entrapped cell organelles.
The pen is an oversized toothpaste tubelike plastic container with a wide tip at one end and a feltlike tip at the other.
The feltlike Divina--with a smooth, uniform surface perfect for showing off colors--is prized by industrial designers for its decorative potential, but Schillinger focused on an intrinsic quality: impressive strength.
2 The feltlike, oblong leaves of 'Purpurascens' sage are violet when young, echoing eggplant hues.
Underlayment: This feltlike synthetic material provides a protective cushion under the liner.
Superb micromounts have been found in the Ait Ahmane deposits: particularly in Vein 54, erythrite forms long, pale pink, feltlike fibers, as well as beautiful spherules on talmessite.
But a closer examination reveals that its feltlike material consists of tens of thousands of feathers, which have been tied into tiny bundles of three, then stitched into delicate netting with hundreds of eyes.
Famed for her flat, feltlike designs, Lenti is showing more sculptured texture.