

(Film) a cinema loyalty card
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has created a channel-free microfluidic device, the Rheonix Smart FilmCARD. The Smart FilmCARD would be the first microfluidic device in the diagnostics industry with no channels included in its design, a breakthrough that will significantly decrease the research, development and production costs of microfluidic solutions and allow sophisticated diagnostic tests to become more widely available.
The Smart FilmCARD is a groundbreaking evolution of Rheonix's existing core technology, the Chemistry and Reagent Device (CARD).
Compared with the CARD technology, the Smart FilmCARD uses the deformed gasket wall to replace channels for fluidic network formation.
The Smart FilmCARD enables Rheonix to address diverse market requirements that are too difficult to perform with existing systems, such as automated next-generation sequencing library sample preparation, low-cost infectious disease panel testing and point-of-care applications.
I quickly gathered up my notebook, laptop and filmcards, and I moved up a few rows on the bleachers - to avoid the rat race.