

resembling a fin
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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With tapered edges and a finlike shape, Mamba Light is a playful addition to designer Victor Vasilev's work for DDC.
To build a better finlike for the generations who are depending on us, we'll need the best tools we can elevelep.
Fever is the most commonly associated symptom, but occasionally patients experience a finlike syndrome consisting of fever, chills, flushing, myalgias, and bone pain and/or arthralgias.
His flat, condensed images make economical use of negative space and line to cleverly present zoological trails: The horns of an arctic musk ox herd are formed by a series of brown arches adjacent to icy white squares and triangles; the eyes and claws of an owl descending on a teardrop-shaped field mouse emerge as Xs and Os from a midnight-black ground; a manatee is composed from two gray circles and two finlike triangles.
Washington, November 11 (ANI): Purdue University researchers are making progress in developing a new type of transistor that uses a finlike structure instead of the conventional flat design, possibly enabling engineers to create faster and more compact circuits and computer chips.
Because the shapes of its adult limbs seemed the most finlike, scientists previously had concluded that Acanthostega was "more primitive, but now, if we look at the details of the humeri, Ichthyostega's are actually more similar to earlier fishes," Callier divulges.
Fins, made from slats of oak to suggest finlike structures, which also includes solar panels to power LED lights so that the artwork will glow at night.
All six of the courtrooms in the building will have daylight, which will be supplemented with a futuristic, finlike florescent panel that hangs from the ceiling and bisects the cupped-hands shape of the wood paneling.
Babies were being born with finlike hands growing directly on their shoulders, stunted or missing limbs, deformed eyes and ears, ingrown genitals, absence of lungs, and other deformities.
Stegosaurus stenops was a 9-meter-long, 2-ton herbivore that had two rows of finlike plates running along its back and two pairs of meter-long spikes adorning its tail.
Despite many complaints that this vaccine often brings on finlike symptoms, studies report that only 1% of recipients have myalgia, and 10% have a local erythematous reaction, he said.
If hordes of patients start coming in with a finlike illness, particularly outside the influenza season, think of inhalational anthrax, he urged.