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(Placename) a county of N Norway: the largest, northernmost, and least populated county; mostly a barren plateau. Capital: Vadsø. Pop: 73 210 (2004 est). Area: 48 649 sq km (18 779 sq miles)
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Last week, Norway's Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority reported a "tiny" concentration of radioactive iodine in the air in the Norwegian province of Finnmark near the border with Russia.
NORDIC BUSINESS REPORT-January 14, 2019-Skanska Norway signs SEK640m contract to build a tunnel in Finnmark county, Norway
Global Banking News-January 14, 2019-Skanska Norway signs SEK640m contract to build a tunnel in Finnmark county, Norway
M2 EQUITYBITES-January 14, 2019-Skanska Norway signs SEK640m contract to build a tunnel in Finnmark county, Norway
Norway's aviation authority, Avinor, issued a notice to airmen of irregular navigation signals in airspace over eastern Finnmark between October 30 and November 7, according to The Observer in the UK and Yahoo news.
But now, the snarl is coming from the Norwegian side, as Gunnar Peder Kjonnoy, governor of Norway's northerly Finnmark County, insists additional navigational beacons be installed along the route of ships that would carry Andreyeva Bay's radioactive legacy away, Nils Bohmer, Bellona's executive director and nuclear physicist, said.
According to the Finnmark County police, one of the tourists, whose identity is being established, was killed, Itar-Tass reported.
Villa Organic, with a fish farming business in Finnmark and 16 licences for the production of farmed salmon, expects to harvest 13,000 tonnes this year.Country: NorwaySector: Food/Beverages/Tobacco, Agriculture/ForestryTarget: Villa Organic ASBuyer: SalMar ASADeal size in USD: 8.4mType: StakebuildingStatus: Agreed
The entertaining incident was uncovered when the owners checked in the cabin, located in Norway's northernmost Finnmark province, reports Skynews, quoting the regional paper.
FK Nord is the procurement alliance for the county authorities of More og Romsdal, Sor and Nord Trondelag, Nordland and Finnmark, and includes 70 municipalities.
Optical networking solutions provider Transmode announced on Thursday that Norwegian regional network operator Ishavslink has built a digital highway providing the whole Finnmark territory (North-West Norway) with an optical communications network.