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1. (Arms & Armour (excluding Firearms)) a small clay pot filled with combustible materials, formerly used as a missile
2. a container in which fire is held, either within a furnace or to carry the fire
3. a vessel used to hold substances which are to be treated at high temperatures, a crucible
4. (Cookery) a Chinese or Mongolian fondue-like cooking pot
5. (Cookery) a culinary dish made using such a pot
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Pheran, the traditional Kashmiri cloak, is mostly preferred by the people along with a kangri (a traditional firepot) to keep themselves warm.
Sarah Scarborough, founder of Nashville, Tennessee-based Firepot Nomadic Teas, teamed with Julie Stein, executive director and co-founder of international wildlife conservation organisation, Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network, to establish the Roar Collaborative in 2017.The pilot project will begin in this spring in Assam, India.
From there, hot pot spread throughout East Asia, where it's known under many names and in many regional variations: firepot, steamboat, jim jum (Thailand), shabushabu (Japan), lau (Vietnam)--all delicious, and cooked not just for the Lunar New Year but for birthdays and other celebrations too.
While the Pheran used in homes is a bit loose to accommodate Kangri (earthen firepot) also.
A Kashmiri woman warms herself with a kangri firepot on a houseboat in Srinagar yesterday.
The risk comes when the fuel is poured into an already burning firepot or onto a hot surface.
When Aristotle and Stephanos, the former encumbered with his firepot, take to the hills so as to outmanoeuvre possible pursuers, Aristotle describes them as 'Ridiculous.
Mongolian barbeque dishes, Mongolian firepot meals, Hakka and Chaozhou cooking, and sizzling tie ban entrees represented new choices.
They feature easy-to-adjust heat and draft settings, ash drop system, ash drawer and self-cleaning firepot.