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(Anthropology & Ethnology) the customs and traditions relating to food and its preparation
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References in periodicals archive ?
California's foodways barely figure in Something from the Oven.
The instructional materials include scholarly essays, personal essays, and mediated images covering topics of vernacular architecture, foodways, and ethnic religious festivals.
For the three sections of her ethnographic study--dress, foodways, and ritual--she limited her study to the Lancaster County district of the Old Order River Brethren (ninety members) and, between July 1992 and January 1996, specifically focused on twenty-eight baptized River Brethren women, "most of whom were between the ages of eighteen and fifty." She also interviewed seven River Brethren men (11).
Corrie Norman then tells us how her students explored religion by learning about the foodways of a religion.
Topics include latest research, social marketing, cultural foodways, cultural competency standards, the importance of breastfeeding, grassroots partnerships, and breastfeeding in diverse communities.
of southern 'foodways', cooking, eating, and dining in plantation culture; or the fiercely gendered debates over the
Although food and foodways are central facts of social life, they have been examined relatively infrequently in sociology.
Up until now, though, my favorite has been Southern Food, a tour through the South's foodways and restaurants and recipes.
PHOTO : Heinz's Foodways National unit is marketing Weight Watchers label Mexican-style entrees in
Consider, as an example, the situation facing Weight Watchers, a product of Foodways National, an H.J.
It's a warm, organic way of creation and invention, coaxing out flavors, giving these time-honored Filipino ingredients and traditions and foodways the respect they deserve.
In investigating food and foodways of the immigrant, one begins to get a picture of how immigrants live and adjust to their new environment and how they deal with being far away from home.