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(ˈfʊtɪ) or


(Soccer) informal
a. football
b. (as modifier): footy boots.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


n (Brit inf) → Fußball m
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"I don't want no more stone-ballast hove at us 'long o' your calm' Miquelon boats 'footy cochins,' same's you did off Le Have."
He said "Others may not understand but heading the coaching part of a footy club where costs are cut to the bone takes a huge commitment and loads of energy.
Name: Bailey Starkey Age at time of photo: 6 Lives: Dinnington, Newcastle Favourite player: Neymar & Messi First match: Barcelona vs Athletic Most treasured footy possession: Shorts, football.
Greene's argument is that athletics will play second fiddle to footy or, more particularly, to Team GB, which, however it is assembled, will be a manufactured affair.
"[Chairman] James Brayshaw receives quite a few text messages, good or bad, about the performance of the footy team - and some of the players [too]," Ponting admitted this week on his arrival in Melbourne for today's Essendon-North Melbourne match, at which his foundation will be the fundraising beneficiary.
FOOTY Facts looks the stand-out bet on mundane card at Thurles.
Modern footy stars can't be bothered mustering up a decent insult.
The Noel Meade-trained Aran Concerto and Robert Tyner's Footy Facts are among six runners in the two and a half mile Grade 1 and it is impossible to look past this dazzling duo.
"I wouldn't say I would like us to be playing a Fijian style of footy, where we throw the ball around and hope for the best," said Woolford, who hopes visa paperwork will be completed towards the end of this week.