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(General Engineering) a reservoir or canal from which water is taken to operate equipment
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* The Dell resurrects a buried stream and transforms derelict and unused land into a state-of-the-art stormwater pond and forebay system.
It was stated that a 23 kilometers long, 48 inch diameter water supply pipeline is being laid by KW&SB from Forebay High Point to the project site.
Three sample collection locations were used for this experiment with one located in the warm arm, one in the cold arm, and one in the forebay (Figure 1).
All traveling screens were 1.8-m wide and extended 7.2-m below ground level into the forebay.
The County Sanitary Districts of Los Angeles County conducted a study of the health impact of drinking reclaimed water from the Whittier Narrows Water Reclamation Plant, which has been used to recharge an aquifer in the Montebello Forebay area since 1962--a project similar to the proposed Los Angeles project.