

archaic a past tense of forget
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Captain Paul Forgat said in a press that "a special Canadian troops exchanged fire twice with elements of / Daash / in Iraq last week / without mentioning the place of clashes /, after the previous clash between the Canadian Forces and the organization in the middle of this month." He added, "The Canadian special forces acted in self-defense in the two incidents and opened fire and eliminated the threat without any casualties among the Canadian soldiers." It is mentioned that a Canadian force clashed with militants of Daash in the middle of Jan.
(2.) Carl August Swensson, Forgat mig ej, Ungdom's Kalender for Jubelaret 1893,11.
He said that India had promised for transparent elections several times and then forgat that but Pakistanis and Kashmiris have not yet forgotten.
Roughly a year after the establishment of Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber, Henry's favorites were denounced as a blemish on the royal honor: the kynges counsaill secretly communed together of the kynges gentlenes & liberalitee to all persones: by the whiche they perceived that certain young men in his privie chamber not regardyng his estate nor degree, were so familier and homely with hym, and plaied suche light touches with hym that they forgat themselfes: Whiche thynges although the kyng of his gentle nature sufferd and not rebuked nor reproved it: yet the kynges counsail thought it not mete to be suffred for the kynges honor.