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a viral infection affecting poultry and other birds, spread either by biting insects or by inhalation
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Identification and phylogenetic analysis of clade C Avipoxvirus in a fowlpox outbreak in exotic psittacines in southern Brazil.
Patients receive an enhanced priming regimen of the highly attenuated, non-replicating vaccinia virus MVA-BN-CV301 in four different injection sites on days one and 29, followed by boosters of the recombinant fowlpox virus FPV-CV301 at tapering intervals during the course of the treatment with durvalumab and maintenance chemotherapy.
In addition, she has three chapbooks - two from Fowlpox Press and one from dancing girl press - and has published reviews and editorials in various publications, including Five2One, Fear of Monkeys, and Pop Matters.
CV301 is a poxvirus-based prime/boost vaccine that incorporates a modified version of vaccinia (MVA-BN, a proprietary technology of Bavarian Nordic) as a priming dose, followed by multiple fowlpox boosts, and encodes the TRICOM costimulatory molecules.
Newcastle disease virus fusion protein expressed in a fowlpox virus recombinant confers protection in chickens.
Birds were acquired from a commercial Cobb Slow line breeder's incubatory and vaccinated for Mareks disease, Gumboro, fowlpox and infectious bronchitis.
fowlpox virus, canary poxvirus, capripoxvirus, targeting many important pathogens.
Diagnosis of a naturally occurring dual infection of layer chickens with fowlpox virus and gallid herpesvirus 1 (infectious laryngotracheitis virus).