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1. (Zoology) dialect the tail of a rabbit, hare, etc
2. (Anatomy) dialect the buttocks
3. (Anatomy) taboo the female genitals
4. (Anatomy) taboo female pubic hair
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Fud stands for "fear, uncertainty and doubt", which the Vote Leave campaign accuse the In campaign of rolling out as a secret weapon.
It can work like this: Sales staff from a large software company are particularly adept at FUD ...
Lisa, our intrepid franchise development executive, knows that finding a FUD is only part of her job--she needs to systematically eliminate it.
"Whenever a major corporate event occurs, or even a hint or rumour of one, competitors step in and try to sow FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt)," Kay said.
RELATED ARTICLE: Don't fall for the FUD around the Patriot Act--all governments have access powers.
Dros y blynyddoedd mae''r cyflwr creulon hwn wedi eu caethiwo i gadeiriau olwyn a''u gadael yn fud.
BFl Alm Fud Stor cen free 169 pounds 1 75 from H Bounce balls Flavours include Almond Protein Hit and Fudge Walnut Brain Storm.
FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) marketing is not legitimately a part of that continuum.
The latest piece of evidence in what ought to be an unnecessary argument is a device issued to WMs in Iraq and Afghanistan to help them adapt to conditions in the field: the Feminine Urinary Director, or FUD, which allows them to void their bladders while standing.
Intended for web developers and business stakeholders, the work begins with an overview of web marketing and analytics and proceeds through a discussion of the authors' eight point plan for conversion optimization that includes developing customer personas, trust building, understanding the stages of buying, overcoming FUD, incentives and finally the continued testing and improvement of the optimization plan.