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adj, -dier or -diest
old-fashioned; conservative; dull
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
As that gentleman happened at the moment to be staring me squarely in the face as I stood by the roadside it was not altogether clear whether he was addressing me or his beasts; nor could I say if they were named Fuddy and Duddy and were both subjects of the imperative verb "to gee-up." Anyhow the command produced no effect on us, and the queer little man removed his eyes from mine long enough to spear Fuddy and Duddy alternately with a long pole, remarking, quietly but with feeling: "Dern your skin," as if they enjoyed that integument in common.
This heritage fabric has long since shaken off its fuddy duddy image 1 say yes to the dress Give tweed an edge by teaming this frock with trainers.
As I am an old 'fuddy duddy' I despair at the distances children will have to travel to get emergency care.
One such leader was Loretta Jean "Deliana" Fuddy, MPH, ACSW, who I met when I attended one of her "walkabout" meetings with employees at a health clinic on Oahu in September.
I know I sound like an old fuddy duddy when I say this, but when I was your age I fell in love every other week with someone different.
I realise that, as an old fuddy duddy, I must be the odd one out with everyone else seemingly enjoying hearing what's new on Planet Vacuous.
I am not an old fuddy duddy but I couldn't watch him anymore.
And the best part -- there was nothing fuddy duddy about this performance.
Fuddy worked as a licensed plumber for Arthur Fullerton several years then as a pipe fitter and plumber for Baystate Abrasives 10 years.
Affectionately known as "The Fuddy Duddy," this B-17 that just happens to have green-and-yellow colors was built by Douglas Aircraft at its Long Beach, Calif., plant in 1944 and sent to the Pacific Theater where it was converted into a VIP transport plane.
Professional impersonator Fuddy Heffernan LOOKED like Rod, DRESSED like Rod and SANG like Rod.