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(Plants) a member of a genus of succulent plants of the family Agavaceae native to tropical parts of Central and South America
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"It was all about the drama." But Jones hardly confined the plant mix to vintage favorites, adding region-appropriate natives to create a beautifully hung composition of Heuchera, Woodwardia, and yarrow, plus near-natives like Brahea armata and Furcraea macdougalii.
The use of Common Duckweed (Lemna minor) in the treatment of wastewater from the washing of sisal fiber (Furcraea bedinghausii)
Araliaceae Oreopanax oroyanus Mantak, pati Harms Asparagaceae Agave cordillerensis Penka, pinka Lode & Pino Asparagaceae Furcraea andina Penka, maguey, Trel.
Los adultos pueden ser plaga de plantaciones de fique (Furcraea bedinghausii Koch [Agavaceae]) en el departamento de Santander (NEITA & RATCLIFFE, 2009).
The parenchymatous secondary conjunctive tissue is deposited both on the internal and external sides; the deposition may be meager as in Dasylirion serratifolium or massive as in Furcraea pubescens (Schoute, 1903; Cheadle, 1937).