
(redirected from gelated)


intr.v. gel·at·ed, gel·at·ing, gel·ates
To gel.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb (intr)
to form a gel
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
In contrast, strand-lattices from gelatin gelated by cooling before and during fixation are much more compact than those from solated gelatin at a given concentration (Fig.
One of plausible examples is the cytoplasmic matrix in Nissl's domain exhibiting compact lattices, which is in a gelated state while the remainder exhibiting relatively loose lattices is in a solated state (Fig.
The first is interpreted to contain cytoplasmic proteins at lower concentrations and the second to contain those at higher concentrations, while the third is interpreted to contain cyplasmic matrix of both solated and gelated states in contiguity with each other.
Ultrastructures of gelatins at 8 % (a and b) and 10 % (c) concentrations which are fixed at a warm temperature (solated state), and ultrastructures of those at 8% (c) and 10% (d) fixed at a cold temperature (gelated state) in embedment-free section TEM.
The dopant molecule CuPcTs cross-linked the PPy chains to form a three-dimensional network that gelated into a hydrogel.
To do so, fibers were gelated in a methanol bath maintained at either -50[degrees]C or at room temperature.
Figure 1 provides the optical microscopy cross-sectional images of as-spun fibers D, G, H, and 1, all of which were gelated in a mixture of MeOH and DMF at room temperature (Table 1).
As-spun PAN and PAN/CNT fibers exhibited similar irregular cross-sectional shapes when gelated at -50[degrees]C in methanol, with increasing as-spun fiber circularity as the gelation bath temperature and solvent concentration was increased.
(9,) EFSA Panel onDieteticProducts, Nutrition andAllergies, -sce nnncOpinion on the Substantiationof Health Claims gelated to Proanthocyanidinsfrom Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton) FruitandDefence Against Bacterial Pathogens in theLowerUrinary tract.' EFSA JoumaI 9(6) 2215 (2011).
Otherwise, the material, once gelated, will have a greater potential for spaces in which the tissue surfaces would not be separated and thus a greater potential for blood coagulation and fibroblast in-growth.
Study on thermal decomposition and sintering behaviour of internally gelated simulated inert matrix fuel // Thermochim.
With increasing temperature the gelation degree of the PVC melt increases, and the gelated phase can only contribute to the swelling.