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Related to gelati: gelatin


 (jə-lä′tō, jĕ-)
n. pl. ge·la·ti (-tē)
An Italian ice cream or sorbet.

[Italian, from past participle of gelare, to freeze; see gelatin.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(dʒəˈlɑ ti)

a rich ice cream made with eggs.
[1980–85; < Italian, pl. of gelato, n. use of past participle of gelare to freeze; see gelatin]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
In addition to its ices, Scara's offers gelati and smoothies to its customers.
Ciao Bella, the New York-based manufacturer and marketer of high-end handmade gelati and sorbets, has expanded its presence to Florida.
Torrefazione Italia Coffee, LLC, a subsidiary of AFC Enterprises, Inc., will offer "a taste bud-tempting array of gelati and sorbetti" at its Torrefazione Italia Coffee cafes and Tully's Coffee will offer a coffee and vanilla bean ice cream which will be made for it by YoCream International.
Rita's Gelati provides frozen dessert fans the best of both worlds with its layers of ice and custard. reported on January 12 that Barilla, Italy's leading pasta company, has entered the ice cream category with the one hundred billion Lira acquisition of Gelati Sanson.
Gelateria outlets typically sell gelati and sorbets with 18 to 24 flavors available at a time.
The company notes that the Cream Ices can also be used in place of the traditional ices with Rita's custard to make the company's specialty items: Gelati, which in the past has featured layers of custard and ices, and the Misto, also made before with a combination of custard and ices, but blended into a shake.
Today it is built in the wall of Gelati Monastery, near the tomb of Georgian king David IV.
Look forward to Italian delicacies such as gelati, cantucci and limoncello.
RIGHT: Emma Gelati, Karen Mutch and Victoria Stephen
Gelati is a medieval monastic complex near Kutaisi in the Imereti region of western Georgia.