

 (gĭd′ē-ŭp′) also gid·dy·ap (-ăp′, -ŭp′) or gid·dap (gĭ-dăp′, -dŭp′)
Used to command a horse to go ahead or go at a faster pace.

[Alteration of get up.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˌgɪd iˈæp, -ˈʌp)

also gid•dap

(gɪˈdæp, -ˈdʌp)



(used as a command to a horse to speed up.)
[1920–25, Amer.; informal pronoun of get up]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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GateHouse giddyap: At the GateHouse Media Group Inc.
Of course, Disney, Bruckheimer and Depp (already gearing up for a fifth Pirates for summer 2015), are betting Lone Ranger will be a global juggernaut that has enough giddyap to spawn a new franchise.
What is past is prologue, but the elections last year brought scores of Republican lawmakers to Congress (as well as put quite a bit of "giddyap" in many incumbents) who are focused on reducing the deficit.
Giddyap: 4-H wagon train on the Oregon Trail's Barlow Road: northern Oregon
GIDDYAP: Neville decides to indulge in a little horseplay
Way out West in the wild and woolly prairie land, Lived a cowboy by the name of Levi, He loved a blue blood Indian maiden, And came to serenade her like a "tough guy." Big Chief "Cruller Legs" was the maiden's father And he tried to keep Levi away, But Levi didn't care, for ev'ry ev'ning With his Broncho Buster, Giddyap! Giddyap!
Besides having plenty of giddyap, these engineering marvels are designed to handle a half-acre lot in no time.
You have done "quiet and restful" to death--it is time to giddyap.
I installed it on my home PC, which has plenty of giddyap -- 512 Mb of RAM and a one GHz processor to be precise.
His young rider leaned out of the saddle, scooped up the silver teal and, with the Uruguayan equivalent of "giddyap," urged him on to the next duck.
Don a wide-brimmed hat, climb into that squeaky saddle, and say the magic word - giddyap - and you're off on a fishing expedition, a wilderness camping trip, a ride to see wild mustangs, or a cattle drive.