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also glaire  (glâr)
1. The white of an egg.
2. A sizing or glaze made of egg white.
3. A viscous substance resembling egg white.

[Middle English glaire, from Old French, from Vulgar Latin *clāria, from Latin clārus, clear; see kelə- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) white of egg, esp when used as a size, glaze, or adhesive, usually in bookbinding
2. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) any substance resembling this
(Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) (tr) to apply glair to (something)
[C14: from Old French glaire, from Vulgar Latin clāria (unattested) clear, from Latin clārus]
ˈglairy, ˈglaireous adj
ˈglairiness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


or glaire


1. the white of an egg.
2. a glaze or size made of egg white.
3. any viscous substance like egg white.
[1300–50; Middle English glaire < Old French: white of an egg < Vulgar Latin *clāria; compare Latin clārus clear]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: glaired
Gerund: glairing

I glair
you glair
he/she/it glairs
we glair
you glair
they glair
I glaired
you glaired
he/she/it glaired
we glaired
you glaired
they glaired
Present Continuous
I am glairing
you are glairing
he/she/it is glairing
we are glairing
you are glairing
they are glairing
Present Perfect
I have glaired
you have glaired
he/she/it has glaired
we have glaired
you have glaired
they have glaired
Past Continuous
I was glairing
you were glairing
he/she/it was glairing
we were glairing
you were glairing
they were glairing
Past Perfect
I had glaired
you had glaired
he/she/it had glaired
we had glaired
you had glaired
they had glaired
I will glair
you will glair
he/she/it will glair
we will glair
you will glair
they will glair
Future Perfect
I will have glaired
you will have glaired
he/she/it will have glaired
we will have glaired
you will have glaired
they will have glaired
Future Continuous
I will be glairing
you will be glairing
he/she/it will be glairing
we will be glairing
you will be glairing
they will be glairing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been glairing
you have been glairing
he/she/it has been glairing
we have been glairing
you have been glairing
they have been glairing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been glairing
you will have been glairing
he/she/it will have been glairing
we will have been glairing
you will have been glairing
they will have been glairing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been glairing
you had been glairing
he/she/it had been glairing
we had been glairing
you had been glairing
they had been glairing
I would glair
you would glair
he/she/it would glair
we would glair
you would glair
they would glair
Past Conditional
I would have glaired
you would have glaired
he/she/it would have glaired
we would have glaired
you would have glaired
they would have glaired
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
References in periodicals archive ?
Important life-history questions (e.g:, timing and location of mating, egg incubation, and fecundity) still remain, because we found no females with glair glands, attached eggs, or attached juveniles.
Steps here include developing best practices for Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), implementing glair English financial reporting and providing website access to key performance measures.
Song Xunjie, manager of the Xueyang Glair Gelatin Factory, is said to be a supplier to companies across the country, it added.
diogenes, with active glair glands, were collected throughout the year, but fewest in September and October.
1 Emotion; 5 Bobbles; 16 Tuition; 17 Keel over; 18 Automaton; 19 Tonga; 20 Art; 21 Drifter; 22 Retain; 23 Tenancy; 25 Example; 26 Glair; 27 Tinge; 29 Informal; 31 Old dear; 33 Freebie; 35 Ideal; 37 Cranachan; 39 Poet; 41 Thicket; 44 Yoghurt; 46 Ongoing; 48 Hedera; 50 Exactly; 51 Handlebar; 53 Enticement; 57 Packhorse; 59 Sea breeze; 62 Doubts; 64 Triad; 65 Truancy; 67 Nightly; 68 Lump sum; 70 Leeward; 73 Putty; 75 Aye aye; 78 Cigarette; 81 Renounces; 83 Turbulence; 86 Resilient; 87 Phase in; 88 Agatha; 91 Pork pie; 92 Surpass; 94 Spectre; 96 Epee; 98 Dissident; 100 Hangs; 101 Oregano; 103 Instant; 106 Nominees; 107 Roger; 109 Realm; 111 Afflict; 113 Ice rink; 116 Disown; 118 Extinct; 120 CIA; 121 Akela; 122 Battle-axe; 123 Aerobics; 124 Boudoir; 125 Extreme; 126 Cyclist;