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(Biochemistry) biochem a glucose-derived radical
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Cloning, sequencing and overexpression of a Rhodothermus marinus gene encoding a thermostable cellulase of glycosyl hydrolase family 12.
Tumoral Calcinosis Presenting with Eyelid Calcifications due to Novel Missense Mutations in the Glycosyl Transferase Domain of the GALNT3 Gene.
Nicotine glucuronide (nicotine) accounts for 3-5% of the converted nicotine, and in the human body, before it is excreted in the urine, nicotine is modified by the catalyst uridine diphosphate-glucuronic acid glycosyl transferase (UGT).
Requirement of the glycosyl parts in platycodin D to stimulate pancreatic exocrine secretion.
incarnata was able to increase the production of all four glycosyl flavonoids and callus cultures treated with the UVB dose that enhanced flavonoid production showed a higher antioxidant activity compared to untreated callus.
Based on amino acid sequences present chitinases are the enzymes that catalyze chitin degradation and divided into Family 18 and 19 of glycosyl hydrolase (1).
Waldhausl, "Signal transduction via glycosyl phosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins in T cells is inhibited by lowering cellular cholesterol," The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol.
The peak (Rt = 4.87) representing 3-CQA glycoside showed fragment ions (Figure 3(d)) at m/z 353 ([[caffeoylquinic acid-H].sup.-]) due to the neutral loss of a glycoside residue (162 Da), 341 ([[caffeoyl glycoside-H].sup.-]) as a result of a loss of a quinic acid moiety, 191 ([[quinic acid-H].sup.-]) ascribed to the loss of a caffeoyl glycoside moiety, and 179 ([[caffeic acid-H].sup.-]) (bp) due to the loss of the quinic acid and glycosyl moieties from the caffeoylquinic acid and caffeoyl glycoside groups, respectively.
The coupling constants indicated the [beta] (J = 7.5 Hz) and [alpha] (J = 2.5 Hz) conformations of the glycosyl units.
The synthesized compounds were tested for the inhibition of 1,4-[beta]-endoglucanase of glycosyl hydrolase family 5(cel5s), isolated from basillus pumilus.