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The Word Bank of Lost Dialects also explores the histories of some of the most popular and some of the most obscure words and phrases donated; words such as 'gruffy', which means skin wrinkled from being in water too long; 'budgie', a half pint of beer, and 'spags', or feet.
A purist may still have a few reservations about Chauhan's trademark gruffy tone.
Gwr annwyl a ffrind pennaf Mair, tad a llys-dad dihafal i Ann a Tony, Geraint a Gill, Olwen a Kevin, a Rhys a Nia, a thaid arbennig iawn i Thomas, William, Mathew, Gwydion, Gruffy uffy uf dd, Gethin, Ifor, ac Aled.
on the Spring Break page, the grass is kind of like all gruffy." Another example of line creating texture is the overlapping circular lines in the Camping panel on page 4 that make the ground appear to be rough.
Gruffy Ted and Tilly Ted, her teddy bears are jealous of the love Mollie-Sue has for Bendy Bill and so they try to get rid of him.
Her mother's story Gruffy's Genie is one of her favourites.
Urdd chief Efa Gruffy dd Jones said: "The Urdd is an exciting, dynamic movement and I'm proud that we already assist children and young people to exercise some of their rights.
Only after many adventures--with fairies who cannot grant wishes, hissing dragons as tame as teddy bears, and magicians incapable of magic--do partners find one another: the steadfast prince and his stubborn princess as well as the gruffy Northman and his Mediterranean companion.
Dilbeck, Elliott Dobbs, Tommy Fike, Chris Frech, Carma Freeman, Rudy Freese, Everett Gomez, Everett Grace, Law Gregory, Becky Gruffy, Becky Guffy, Joe Hankins, Michael Harrison, II, Kimberly Houck, Tom Huckeby, Michael R.
A graduate of the supermarket school of hard knocks, he tends to get gruffy when he can talk without attribution.