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(Zoology) ornithol relating to birds of the order Gruiformes, which includes cranes and bustards
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References in periodicals archive ?
/Anas sp.) 2 corvids (Corvidae) 2 --jackdaw (Corvus monedula) 1 --crow/rook/jackdaw/raven (Corvus sp.) 2 3 owl (Strigiformes) 1 1 charadriiform (Charadriiformes) 1 gruiform (Gruiformes) passerines (Passeriformes) --trushes (Turdidae) Rodents (Rodentia) 1 cricetids (Cricetidae) 45 (11) Amphibians (Amphibia) 2 Mole (Talpa europaea) 2 ?
The Guam rail (Gallirallus owstoni), or ko'ko' in Guam's native Chamorro language, is a small flightless gruiform species endemic to Guam and found throughout all habitat types, with the exception of wetlands.
Diagnostic testing performed during the health assessment was conducted based on diseases of concern recorded in the captive rail population on the US mainland or the Guam populations of rails, as well as in other gruiform species (D.