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Related to gumline: free gingival groove


(Dentistry) dentistry the line where gums meet the teeth
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The company is launching its double-ended Petsmile Professional Pet Toothbrush, the first and only toothbrush with patented 45-degree brush heads designed to remove plaque, bacteria and debris from under the gumline. It is also launching a dental chew infused with its Calprox formula and a new flavor, Savory Duck, for its toothpaste line.
This allows your veterinarian to view the entire tooth, including the roots beneath the gumline. Dental radiographs will require your cat to be sedated or anesthetized to keep him still and to protect the equipment.
It flushes residual food and bacteria from around the teeth and below the gumline in seconds.
(P&G) recently released new Crest Gum & Enamel Repair, a specially designed toothpaste that focuses on neutralizing plaque bacteria along and below the gumline while also boosting the repair of weakened enamel.
And sparklingwhite tooth-tops aren't nearly as important as clean surfaces under the gumline. In addition, dental x-rays and antibiotic prescriptions can only come from your veterinarian's office.
5 Use a mouthwash A mouthwash goes where toothbrushes and floss can't, ridding your mouth of the same debris that irritates the gumline and causes gingivitis.
A considerable period of tussling with the fence ensued until, with a stomach-churning crack, he released himself by neatly breaking all four teeth off at the gumline.
* Continue to brush and floss your teeth as usual if you have veneers or crowns, since decay can still occur at the gumline and affect the natural tooth under the restoration.
For his refusal, he was tortured and badly beaten by his guards and when the beating was over 'he lay on the floor, bloody, arms and legs throbbing, ribs cracked, and several teeth broken off at the gumline.'
In terms of the finished restoration, patients will have the best experience with a provisional that is very smooth, easy to clean around, and that provides good marginal integrity, which helps to avoid sensitivity at the gumline.
'Smart Sensors' mean the brush adapts to the needs of different areas of the mouth, picking up speed for the molars, for instance, and switching to a more gentle massage for the gumline.