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Related to guttler: gutter


a person who is greedy or gluttonous
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References in periodicals archive ?
have begun to explore the use of robots as personal assistants/companions for the elderly and the disabled (Bogue, 2013; Dario et al., 1999a; Dario et al., 1999b; Guizzo, 2010; Guttler et al., 2015).
(58.) Beaudenon-Huibregtse S, Alexander EK, Guttler RB, et al.
Guttler et al., "Detection of Flavescence doree grapevine disease using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) multispectral imagery," Remote Sensing, vol.
(16.) Guldberg P, Romano V, Ceratto N, Bosco P, Ciuna M, Indelicato A, Mollica F, Mell C, Giovannini M, Riva E, Biasucci G, Henriksen KF, Guttler F.
Guttler, 2015: Weakly non-linear Prandtl model for simple slope flows.
Guttler, "What do doctors know about statistics?" Statistics in Medicine, vol.