

1. (Chemistry) crystallog (of planes or crystal structures) containing such planes having a spiral layout
2. (General Physics) optics having the ability to move polarized light spirally in a certain direction
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References in periodicals archive ?
Solovyov et al., "Facile synthesis and characterization of novel mesoporous and mesorelief oxides with gyroidal structures," Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.
Size of the domains with kinds of morphologies such as spherical, gyroidal, cylindrical, and lamellar varies in the range of several nanometers to tens of nanometers depending on molar mass and composition of the copolymers.
Although confined inside ZnO percolating network, LDPE phase is still spatially continuous, which is morphologically similar to gyroidal structures generated by block copolymers to some degree, where Avrami exponent with value of 1.7 is obtained (55).