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an exclamation of surprise or inquiry


() or


an indication of sly amusement, used esp in electronic communication
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(hi; unstressed i)

pron. nom. he, poss. his, obj. him; pron.
1. the male person or animal being discussed or last mentioned; that male.
2. anyone (without reference to sex); that person: He who hesitates is lost.
3. any male person or animal; a man: hes and shes.
4. male (usu. used in combination): a he-goat.
[before 900; Middle English, Old English (masculine nominative singular); c. Dutch hij, Old Saxon hē, Old High German her he; see his, him, she, her, it]
usage: Traditionally, the pronouns he, his, and him have been used generically to refer to indefinite singular pronouns like anyone, everyone, and someone (Everyone who agrees should raise his hand) and to singular nouns that do not indicate sex: Every writer hopes he will produce a bestseller. This generic use is often criticized as sexist, although many speakers and writers continue the practice. Various approaches have been developed to avoid generic he. One is to use plural forms entirely: Those who agree should raise their hands. All writers hope they will produce bestsellers. Another is to use the masculine and feminine singular pronouns together: he or she, she or he; he/she, she/he. A common practice in speech is to use forms of they to refer to such antecedents: If anyone calls, tell them I'm not home. See they. Forms blending the feminine and masculine pronouns, as s/he, have not been widely adopted. See also they.


or heh


n., pl. hes or hehs.
1. the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
2. any of the sounds represented by this letter.
[< Hebrew hē']


Chem. Symbol.


1. high explosive.
2. His Eminence.
3. His Excellency; Her Excellency.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Then, putting his hand to his head, he exclaimed, "Heh! This is not my wig!"
"Heh!" ejaculated Mombi, giving a sort of grunt; "that rascally boy has been playing tricks again!
Heh? Town's dry's a bone, an' smells a sight worse sence I quit.
Then it would not be wrong to shoot them with their own guns, heh?'
"How d'ye get around to the other islands, heh? Tell me that."
US-based water heater maker holding company HEH Holdings LLC has purchased the assets of California manufacturer of steam and gas powered water heaters Ace Heating Solutions LLC and the Ajax brand boiler, which will operate independently as Ace Heaters LLC, the company said.
Caption: The HEH garnered attention on the first day.
GTCR, a Chicago-based private equity firm, has said that it has promoted John Kos and Jeff Heh as principals of the firm.
"Well, people don't see everything, let me tell you, heh heh heh.
Dumbarton aim to play on-loan Sheffield United winger Kler Heh against Livingston if international clearance comes through in time.
HEH: I think Africa as a continent holds tremendous attraction.
week heh a su Stak Bocca Baciata is respected following a fine comeback success in the Salsabil Stakes at Navan and so is Pleascach, who looked a top-drawer filly when winning last week's Blue Wind Stakes.