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an exclamation used to attract attention or as a warning to be silent
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


1. historian.
2. historical.
3. history.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
But what's that he says now -- hist! I look, you look, he looks; we look, ye look, they look.
The song is English, and I oft have heard it In merry England -- never so plaintively -- Hist! hist!
"Hist!" said the youth, seizing her arm, as she was in the very act of tripping from his side--"Hist!
"Hist, hist!" said she, while her ill-omened physiognomy seemed to cast a shadow over the cheerful newness of the house.
On the Hesiodic poems generally the ordinary Histories of Greek Literature may be consulted, but especially the "Hist. de la Litterature Grecque" I pp.
Hist! look into the water above, just where it breaks over the rocks.
hist!” said a low voice, “stoop lower, gal; your bonnet hides the creatur’s head.”
Hist, now, between you an' meself and the stanchion there, this Wolf Larsen is a regular devil, an' the Ghost'll be a hell-ship like she's always ben since he had hold iv her.
They made an imposing ad- venture of it, saying, "Hist!" every now and then, and suddenly halting with finger on lip; moving with hands on imaginary dagger-hilts; and giving orders in dismal whispers that if "the foe" stirred, to "let him have it to the hilt," because "dead men tell no tales." They knew well enough that the raftsmen were all down at the village laying in stores or having a spree, but still that was no excuse for their conducting this thing in an unpiratical way.
de l'Hist., etc., d'Allemagne," says the pretext was to indemnify himself for the expense of the expedition.
But, finding David asleep by the spring, one of the rogues whispered to his fellow,"Hist!--Do you see that bundle under his head?"
"Hist!', her husband hastily interrupted her, as the door opened, and Sylvie and Bruno came in, with their arms twined lovingly round each other--Bruno sobbing convulsively, with his face hidden on his sister's shoulder, and Sylvie more grave and quiet, but with tears streaming down her cheeks.