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hock 1

a. The tarsal joint of the hind leg of certain quadrupeds, such as horses and dogs, corresponding to the human ankle but bending in the opposite direction.
b. A joint in the leg of a domestic fowl similar to the hock of a quadruped.
2. A small cut of meat, especially ham, from the front or hind leg directly above the foot.
tr.v. hocked, hock·ing, hocks
To disable by cutting the tendons of the hock; hamstring.

[Middle English hok, variant (perhaps originally arising in compounds such as hough sineue, hock sinew, Achilles tendon, hamstring, and hokschynes, literally "hock shins," ankles (meaning uncertain)) of hough, heel, hock, from Old English hōh, heel.]

hock 2

n. Chiefly British
Rhine wine.

[Short for obsolete Hockamore, alteration of German Hochheimer, from Hochheim, a town of west-central Germany.]

hock 3

 (hŏk) Slang
tr.v. hocked, hock·ing, hocks
To pawn: hock a diamond ring.
1. The state of being pawned: put the diamonds in hock.
2. The state of being in debt: thought we'd never get out of hock.

[Probably from Dutch hok, prison.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Zoology) the joint at the tarsus of a horse or similar animal, pointing backwards and corresponding to the human ankle
2. (Zoology) the corresponding joint in domestic fowl
(Zoology) another word for hamstring
[C16: short for hockshin, from Old English hōhsinu heel sinew]


1. (Brewing) any of several white wines from the German Rhine
2. (Brewing) (not in technical usage) any dry white wine
[C17: short for obsolete hockamore Hochheimer]


(tr) to pawn or pledge
1. the state of being in pawn (esp in the phrase in hock)
2. in hock
a. in prison
b. in debt
c. in pawn
[C19: from Dutch hok prison, debt]
ˈhocker n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. the joint in the hind leg of a horse, cow, etc., above the fetlock joint, corresponding anatomically to the ankle in humans.
2. a corresponding joint in a fowl.
[1375–1425; variant of dial. hough, Middle English ho(u)gh, appar. back formation from late Middle English hokschyn, etc., Old English hōhsinu hock (literally, heel) sinew]



n. Chiefly Brit.
any white Rhine wine.
[1615–25; short for Hockamore, alter. of German Hochheimer <Hochheim, Germany]


1. to pawn.
2. the state of being deposited or held as security; pawn.
3. the condition of owing; debt.
[1855–60 < Dutch hok kennel, pen, prison]
hock′er, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: hocked
Gerund: hocking

I hock
you hock
he/she/it hocks
we hock
you hock
they hock
I hocked
you hocked
he/she/it hocked
we hocked
you hocked
they hocked
Present Continuous
I am hocking
you are hocking
he/she/it is hocking
we are hocking
you are hocking
they are hocking
Present Perfect
I have hocked
you have hocked
he/she/it has hocked
we have hocked
you have hocked
they have hocked
Past Continuous
I was hocking
you were hocking
he/she/it was hocking
we were hocking
you were hocking
they were hocking
Past Perfect
I had hocked
you had hocked
he/she/it had hocked
we had hocked
you had hocked
they had hocked
I will hock
you will hock
he/she/it will hock
we will hock
you will hock
they will hock
Future Perfect
I will have hocked
you will have hocked
he/she/it will have hocked
we will have hocked
you will have hocked
they will have hocked
Future Continuous
I will be hocking
you will be hocking
he/she/it will be hocking
we will be hocking
you will be hocking
they will be hocking
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been hocking
you have been hocking
he/she/it has been hocking
we have been hocking
you have been hocking
they have been hocking
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been hocking
you will have been hocking
he/she/it will have been hocking
we will have been hocking
you will have been hocking
they will have been hocking
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been hocking
you had been hocking
he/she/it had been hocking
we had been hocking
you had been hocking
they had been hocking
I would hock
you would hock
he/she/it would hock
we would hock
you would hock
they would hock
Past Conditional
I would have hocked
you would have hocked
he/she/it would have hocked
we would have hocked
you would have hocked
they would have hocked
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.hock - any of several white wines from the Rhine River valley in Germany (`hock' is British usage)
white wine - pale yellowish wine made from white grapes or red grapes with skins removed before fermentation
Riesling - fragrant dry or sweet white wine from the Rhine valley or a similar wine from California
liebfraumilch - a sweetened Rhenish wine (especially one from Hesse in western Germany)
Britain, Great Britain, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom
2.hock - tarsal joint of the hind leg of hoofed mammals; corresponds to the human ankle
hoofed mammal, ungulate - any of a number of mammals with hooves that are superficially similar but not necessarily closely related taxonomically
hind leg - the back limb of a quadruped
articulatio, joint, articulation - (anatomy) the point of connection between two bones or elements of a skeleton (especially if it allows motion)
Verb1.hock - leave as a guarantee in return for money; "pawn your grandfather's gold watch"
commerce, commercialism, mercantilism - transactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services)
consign, charge - give over to another for care or safekeeping; "consign your baggage"
2.hock - disable by cutting the hock
handicap, incapacitate, invalid, disable - injure permanently; "He was disabled in a car accident"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


Slang. To give or deposit as a pawn:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
pätový kĺb


1 [hɒk] N [of animal] → corvejón m


2 [hɒk] N (= wine) → vino m blanco del Rin


3 [hɒk]
A. VT (= pawn) → empeñar
B. N in hock [object] → empeñado; [person] → endeudado
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈhɒk] n
(British) (= wine) → vin m du Rhin
[animal] → jarret m
(COOKERY)jarret m
ham hock → jarret de porc
gammon hock → jarret de porc fumé
to be in hock (= owe money) [person] → être endetté(e)
to be in hock to sb → s'endetter auprès de qn
to be in hock to the banks → être endetté(e) auprès des banques
Years ago, he would never have got in hock to the bank → Il y a quelques années, il ne se serait jamais endetté auprès de la banque.
to be in hock (= in pawn shop) [object] → être mis(e) en gage, être mis(e) au clou
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


n (Anat, of animal) → Sprunggelenk nt


n (= wine)weißer Rheinwein


3 (inf)
vt (= pawn)versetzen, verpfänden
n in hockverpfändet, versetzt, im Leihhaus; to be in hock to somebodyin jds Schuld stehen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1 [hɒk] n (of animal) (Culin) → garretto


2 [hɒk] n (Brit) (wine) → vino bianco del Reno


3 [hɒk] (fam)
1. n to be in hock (debt) → essere indebitato/a
2. vt (pawn) → impegnare
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(hok) noun
a joint on the hind leg of an animal, below the knee. The horse has an injured hock.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in periodicals archive ?
Two ways for resolving conflicts that are appropriate for this age group, the LTA and the lens models (Wilmot & Hocker, 2000), were introduced.
He then describes, as only Dickens could describe, the case of one Thomas Hocker, a young man who has committed a murder: Bent on loftier flights than such a poor houseswallow as a teacher in a Sunday-school can take; and having no truth, industry, perseverance, or other dull work-a-day quality, to plume his wings withal; he casts about him in a jaunty way, for some mode of distinguishing himself--some means of getting that head of hair into the print-shops; of having something like justice done to his singing-voice and fine intellect; of making the life and adventures of Thomas Hocker remarkable; and of getting up some excitement in connection with that slighted piece of biography.
Kim Grimsley and Allison Hocker of Craftex Mills won the award for Decorative Fabrics.
Vicksburg artist Mary Elsa Hocker admits to a Horn Island addiction that keeps her going back yearly.
Team Personal Care members include Bill Hocker and Karen Terry, who will focus specifically on supporting and developing key personal care customers.
Matthew Hocker, Uvalde, TX "What is your favorite position?" Regular foot 40% Goofy foot Doggie-style 12% Fetal Pointguard 4% Note: Table made from pie chart "What influences you to purchase a product?" Yourself 61% Parents 3% Thrasher 10% Friends 8% Price 16% 2%: Percentage of readers who can't remember what influenced them more -- Was it how their mom said they looked "sharp" in that Anchor Blue fleece or was it all the attractive models in the ads?
Hocker on the keels of Hatshepsut's Punt ships, and J.
"We were seeking a partnership with an Hispanic station in the market," says Brian Hocker, KXAS vice president/programming and interactive business development.
Others promoted and their location include: Steven Hocker to executive vice president, Sysco/Louisville Food Services Co.; Scott Sonnemaker to executive vice president at Sysco Food Services of Portland, Inc.; and Kirk Halpern to executive vice president and will continue as chief operating officer of Buckhead Beef Company, a SYSCO subsidiary in Atlanta.
"Conservation easements offer a tremendous combination of advantages to the public, landowners and land trusts," says Jean Hocker, president of the Land Trust Alliance.
Karson Hocker, 3, and his button-nosed pal look like they are ready for the winter.
Can you contact your old pal (Hocker) Bert Rayner also Marjorie Kelly (nee Richards).