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sexual activity between homosexuals
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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homosex norm the c So, while same-sex acts aren't illegal in the country, gay people are not treated the same as heterosexuals.
Therefore, we declare a moratorium on ecclesial-speak and begin anew with human-to-human, Catholic-to-Catholic conversation about sexuality, not just homosex uality, in the frame of global justice.
King rightfully emphasizes that the Caribbean "problem" with homosexuality is not so much homosex, per se, as it is with behavior that transgresses heteropatriarchal gender ideology--hence the widespread pejorative cultural focus on the shame and danger of effeminacy.
The centrality of "masculine beauty and homosex" has remained central in Long's gay theology to the extent that he has insisted that the "pursuit of sex" or the "promiscuous lifestyle" associated with the "sexual delivery system" of the gay bars and baths should be "understood as the determinative ritualization of the gay religion of male beauty and homosex" (1996, pp.
"Thinking About Homosex in Forster and James." Queer Forster.
(50) The 115 IRB cases were obtained by reviewing 143 cases from 2001 to 2004 found by searching the terms "homosex! or lesbi!
Gagnon can't resist using inflammatory-insulting language, phrases like, "those afflicted by homoerotic desires," "the pro homosex lobby," "two noncomplementary sexual sames," "negative moral behavior," "abomination." He drags in red herrings, e.g., by citing a "statistically verifiable association" between homosexuality and "an increased risk of negative ancillary effects" (he won't say "AIDS" out loud)--despite the fact that Via is talking about committed monogamous relationships.
On the symbolic-substantive level, Lula's selection of a millionaire textile mogul, hostile to militant trade unions, homosex uals, and the Landless Workers Movement, and favorable to the FTAA, as his running mate, suggests that the Workers Party is still moving--to the right.
I didn't know the ropes of homosex culture, but I was willing to try.
This risk is especially pronounced in male adolescents and continues into adulthood, when there is an elevated risk for suicide completion among adult males who identify as homosexual, although not in adult females (J Homosex. 2011 Jan;58[l]:10-51).
Haralson, Eric." 'Thinking about Homosex' in Forster