
(redirected from Hongs)
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1. (Commerce) (in China) a factory, warehouse, etc
2. (Commerce) (formerly, in Canton) a foreign commercial establishment
[C18: from Chinese (Cantonese dialect)]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
11,1991, at Al (noting that immigrants invested CAD 2 billion annually in Canada); see also William Claiborne, The New 'Hongs' of Vancouver; Canadian City Becomes a Haven for Hong Kong's Wealthiest Families, Washington Post, May 12, 1991 (noting immigrants invested CAD4 billion annually in Canada).
The Chinese are principally aggregated together in hongs or corporations.
Bony Abnormalities Tuberculosis Pyogenic HongS H et Present Hong SH Present MRI Findings al (11) Study et al (11) Study Bona Erosion 83% 44% 46% 0% Marrow Signal 59% 78% 92% 100% Abnormality In our study, we found bone erosion to be much more common with tuberculous than with pyogenic arthritis.
The court cited Taiwanese civil law and the Hongs' right to indemnification under Taiwan's Crime Victims Protection Act.
Of course, there is also China's world famous Lapsang Souchong (aka Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong) from the Wuyi Mountains, the Keemuns from Huang Shan, the Golden Yunnan and premium Sichuan Gong Fu Hongs, all created as specially manufactured black terroir teas developed solely with the intent to please Western palates.
As Hong Kong's first Internet themed ETF product, we believe the launch of CSOP MSCI T50 ETF will offer an excellent investment opportunity for Hong Hongs retail investors to share the growth."
Byline: Yubin Xu Guirong Chen Deqiang Dou Hongs huai Jiang and Tingguo Kang
Before our departure, over a breakfast of just-baked baguettes, creamy papaya, and coffee made the Vietnamese way--a cup at a time--the Hongs gave us three lacquerware plates as going-away gifts.
and HongS.: "Transformation of multisalesmen problem to the standard traveling salesman problem".