

adj, hootier or hootiest
resembling or producing the hoot of the owl
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
There will be no prayers at Hamad bin Al Kanoo, Al Ghawi, Fatima Al Hooty and Mariam Kanoo mosques, the council said.
There will be no prayers Hamad bin Al Kanoo, Al Ghawi, Fatima Al Hooty and Mariam Kanoo mosques, the Council said.
It is important to note that if the pubertal boy's tone quality becomes "rough, thin, reedy, hooty or grating" on a regular basis, it is best to stop instruction and consult a medical professional before continuing (Williams, 2013, p.
Misfar Al Hajri was abducted in August 2014 in Bekaa and released in November, while Esam Al Hooty was kidnapped in August 2012 and released a few days later.
ALL OF A | |FLUTTER: Hooty owl led the parade ON PARADE: Children | |carrying star lanterns LIGHT SHOW: The | |Snow Queen leading the parade
e lonely little mouse only wants a friend to share her time with - but everyone who oers to stay by her side isn't quite right: she is afraid of heights so can't climb the trees with Big Squirrel Brown and she can't y with Owl Hooty. Other creatures, big and small, also oer to be her friend.
The lonely little mouse only wants a friend to share her time with - but everyone who offers to stay by her side isn't quite right: she is afraid of heights so can't climb the trees with Big Squirrel Brown and she can't fly with Owl Hooty. Other creatures, big and small, also offer to be her friend.
In the vulgar jargon of psychiatry we might say that everybody in the house was as psychotic as hooty owls, and for quite good reason.
(Left) Savvy Line Tribal sleeve top, $39.95; Sa jeggings, $28; Savvy Line tribal necklace, $30; Hooty Lou necklace, $24; motorcycle boots, $52kfringe bag, $57.9 * jo Savvy Line earrings, $15; rose gold watih, $25 (Right) serve tank, $9.95; Trendology crochet tank, $49.95; HO and Delicious skirt, $41.99; Very Volatile cowboy boots, $58.95; suede fringe purse, $89.99; Savvy Line necklace, $30; Savvy Line bracelet, $11.50; RC hair feather, $2.50; Barb's Blessings leather bracelets, $20 each.
Together they founded the Hooty's cash and carry business which they sold in 1988.
"And so, Oskar the Squirrel agreed with all of the others - that what Hooty was saying was truth-felt indeed!
The falsetto is breathy and hooty. Garcia described it as one of the two primary registers: chest and falsetto, common to all voices.