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n. Islam
1. The sacred dress of Muslim pilgrims, consisting of two lengths of white cotton, one wrapped around the loins, the other thrown over the left shoulder.
2. The state of ritual purity of Muslims in wearing this dress for pilgrimage or for other acts of worship, especially the daily worship.

[Arabic 'iḥrām, prohibition, ihram, infinitive of 'aḥrama, to enter the state of ihram, from ḥarama, to prohibit; see x̣rm in Semitic roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Islam) the customary white robes worn by Muslim pilgrims to Mecca, symbolizing a sacred or consecrated state
[C18: from Arabic ihrām, from harama he forbade]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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KEYWORDS: Cotton Ihram, Hajj Pilgrims, Lung Function, Plain Ihram.
Today, I join over 2 million Muslims in entering the state of Ihram (prohibition) as our Haj begins in the tent city of Mina.
Hajj begins with Ihram (state of ritual purity) for all pilgrims.
Male pilgrims first put on the 'Ihram', two plain white sheets of cloth that serve as a lower and upper body cover, before they arrive in Mecca.
The Saudii ambassador to Cameroon Mohammed bin Sulaiman Al-Meshar handed over a two-piece white-color body cover Ihram gift to each of the guests of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, wishing them an easy and comfortable ritual.
Extra provisions will be made inflight by the cabin crew to meet pilgrims' requirements, including facilitating the performing of ablutions, advising them of the entry into Al Miqat, and the changing into Ihram robes.
"Toutes les mesures ont ete prises pour assurer une meilleure prise en charge de l'accueil, de l'hebergement, des visites et de la restauration, outre la prise en charge des aspects sanitaire, consulaire, d'orientation et de fatwa", a-t-il affirme, insistant sur "l'accompagnement des hadjis lors de leur sejour a Medine, ou ils passeront six nuits et sept jours, outre la preparation de leur depart vers la Mecque pour accomplir les rites du Hadj, passant par Miqat (Abiar Ali) pour se mettre en etat de sacralisation (Ihram).
In Saudi Arabia he wears Ihram (un-sewn two sheets of cloth) round-the-clock, even in Madinah, where other clothes are allowed.
Not far from Abu Dhabi, Etihad has combined the spirits of Ramadan and Mecca by donating Ihram garments and amenity bags for 1,000 Umrah pilgrims, in collaboration with the Grace Conservation project of Emirates Red Crescent.
Providing details on the training it provides, Ashraf said the app teaches pilgrims everything from how to tie the ihram and what prayers to recite during this act to the immigration process at the airport and precautions to take during the flight.
After that, they end their wearing of the ihram and change back into normal clothing.