

to pawn
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Chen, "The long-term extreme price risk measure of portfolio in inventory financing: an application to dynamic impawn rate interval," Complexity, vol.
It is with the entrance of the French ambassador that Henry V begins to enact the kind of discursive strategy of emplotment, self-exculpation, and awe-inspiring speech making that we have anticipated since 1.2 of 1 Henry IV, and expected from the moment Henry warned the Archbishop to "Take heed how you impawn our person, / How you awake our sleeping sword of war." Since this moment when sleeping dogs were not let lie (were, in fact, only pretending to sleep), we have awaited this famous king's cry of havoc.
He also reminded the participants of the prime minister's claims in which Imran Khan had vowed not to take loans, maintaining that doing so impawned the security of the country.
" Participants reminded of PM's vows of not taking loan He also reminded the participants of the prime minister's claims in which Imran Khan had vowed not to take loans, maintaining that doing so impawned the security of the country.