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a less common spelling of encumber
inˈcumberingly adv
inˈcumbrance n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ɛnˈkʌm bər)

1. to impede or hinder; hamper.
2. to block up or fill with superfluous or obstructive things.
3. to weigh down; burden.
4. to burden with obligations, debt, etc.
[1300–50; Middle English < Anglo-French, Middle French encombrer=en- en-1 + -combrer, v. derivative of combre dam, weir « Gaulish *comberos confluence, bringing together]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: incumbered
Gerund: incumbering

I incumber
you incumber
he/she/it incumbers
we incumber
you incumber
they incumber
I incumbered
you incumbered
he/she/it incumbered
we incumbered
you incumbered
they incumbered
Present Continuous
I am incumbering
you are incumbering
he/she/it is incumbering
we are incumbering
you are incumbering
they are incumbering
Present Perfect
I have incumbered
you have incumbered
he/she/it has incumbered
we have incumbered
you have incumbered
they have incumbered
Past Continuous
I was incumbering
you were incumbering
he/she/it was incumbering
we were incumbering
you were incumbering
they were incumbering
Past Perfect
I had incumbered
you had incumbered
he/she/it had incumbered
we had incumbered
you had incumbered
they had incumbered
I will incumber
you will incumber
he/she/it will incumber
we will incumber
you will incumber
they will incumber
Future Perfect
I will have incumbered
you will have incumbered
he/she/it will have incumbered
we will have incumbered
you will have incumbered
they will have incumbered
Future Continuous
I will be incumbering
you will be incumbering
he/she/it will be incumbering
we will be incumbering
you will be incumbering
they will be incumbering
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been incumbering
you have been incumbering
he/she/it has been incumbering
we have been incumbering
you have been incumbering
they have been incumbering
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been incumbering
you will have been incumbering
he/she/it will have been incumbering
we will have been incumbering
you will have been incumbering
they will have been incumbering
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been incumbering
you had been incumbering
he/she/it had been incumbering
we had been incumbering
you had been incumbering
they had been incumbering
I would incumber
you would incumber
he/she/it would incumber
we would incumber
you would incumber
they would incumber
Past Conditional
I would have incumbered
you would have incumbered
he/she/it would have incumbered
we would have incumbered
you would have incumbered
they would have incumbered
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Mentioned in ?
References in classic literature ?
"If I am right in my own persuasion that such a document as I here describe is at this moment in Admiral Bartram's possession -- a persuasion based, in the first instance, on the extraordinary words that I have quoted to you; and, in the second instance, on purely legal considerations with which it is needless to incumber my letter -- if I am right in this opinion, the discovery of the Secret Trust would be, in all probability, a most important discovery to your interests.
The list of probable winners also consisted of incumber and former members of Congress.
To "incumber" the schedule with questions about the occupation of slaves would matter none given their status; inquiries about their birthplace would be unreliable; and questions about names, children, or anything else would have stretched the authority of the census, undermined its popularity, and yielded no benefit.