

(Insurance) insurance a person or organization that is insured
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(489) Consequently, they gain more weight when food prices fall (490) Greater impatience correlates with greater body mass index even when controlling for demographic characteristics such as "IQ, education, work hours, occupation type, income, and risk preference." (491) In another study, Tobias Kalenscher investigated the role of present bias in a person's decision to buy health insurance in developing countries (492) Specifically, he looked at why "take-up of affordable health insurance products in developing countries" is low despite their obvious benefits for the insurant. (493) He found that long-term interests in health insurance may be undermined by the annoyance of paying regular premiums without being ill.
Therefore, the author suggests that the effectiveness of life insurance companies needs to be characterized by other quantities connected indirectly or directly with the premium volume obtained from the sale of life insurances by agents, particularly by the number of appointments (relation agent-client) necessary to close the insurant contract (purchase policy).
The national health card received by the insured party only contains the identification data of the insurant" stated the Ministry of Health in a press release (Pro TV, 2015); "The national health card does not contain money".
Jaweed Akhter, while investigating the complaint under the Speedy Complaints Resolution Scheme observed that the position taken by the SLIC based on SLIC doctors opinion that the insurant had been exposed to dog bite one year back and was suffering from rabies, was not supported by medical evidence in such cases.
The statistical society of this research is the insurant persons of Kar Afarin insurance in Omidie Township; Morgan table has been used in order to obtain sample from this society and the acceptable sample volume has been determined 348 persons.
(79.) Insurers use credit reports to generate an insurance credit score, which tries to predict whether a potential insurant will have an insurance loss.
The 2009 Amendment also incorporated the rule commonly applied in civil law countries called "the control of the contractual content." (161) The newly promulgated Article 19 provides: The following clauses in an insurance contract using the standard clauses of the insurer shall be null and void: (1) a clause exempting the insurer from any legal obligation or aggravating the liability of the insurance applicant or insurant; and (2) a clause excluding any legal right of the insurance applicant, insurant or beneficiary.
The low living standard and the lack of information are some of the reasons why statistics rank us among the "foremost" as regards severe contagious diseases such as AIDS, syphilis, TB, Hepatitis C or chronic diseases such as diabetes--the treatment of which amounts in certain cases to 6-7 thousand RON/month for an insurant. This also leads to an increase of pressure over the system, i.e.
However, while state daily sick pay was raised by 38.5 percent when mean sick days per insurant increased by 36.4 percent (from 5.96 in 1885 to 8.13 in 1910), Knappschaft daily sick pay on Prussian average doubled when mean sick days per miner increased as well, but at a lower rate (from 6.7 in 1885 to 7.3 in 1910).
Specification of variables, supplied by the Dutch dental health insurance company Calculated Variables declaration codes Description Patient coefficient all check-up and Number of check-ups consultation codes per insurant, per declarant Prevention costs X-ray costs X-rays group 1,2,3,4 ( 1: 0-5 yrs, 2: 6-8 yrs, 3: 9-11 yrs, 4: 12-17 yrs) Restoration costs Anesthetics local and topical Number of times anesthesia local anesthesia was administered, per procedure (V10, V11, V12, V13) per declarant Restorations restorative, Number of group 1,2,3,4 rubberdam and restorations per endodontic codes declarant per 100 insurants for each age group