

occurring or existing between rows
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[ClickPress, Mon Jul 22 2019] The versatility of Two-wheeler tractors allows consumers to fulfill all requirements about garden care, soil working, greens maintenance, uncultivated areas or interrow mowing in vineyards and orchards and during winter use.
Mr Cooper added: "We're not really geared up for it here in the UK but over in Sweden they have a machine that sows, fertilises and does interrow weeding.
The seedlings were planted in the interrow of the trunks of the previous crop, spaced 2.5 m x 2.5 m, with crop residues scattered in the area, but with soil tillage by ripping with equipment composed of a plow stem to 0.40 m deep and two lateral discs forming a groove in the soil without moving it, nor leaving the groove open.
Heights (cm) of castor bean plants, depending on plant densities and crop systems (single crop and intercrop with Urochloa ruziziensis in the interrow
The treatments were composed of the following forage systems: Paiaguas palisadegrass in monocropped, sorghum intercropped with Paiaguas palisadegrass in the row, sorghum intercropped with Paiaguas palisadegrass in the interrow, and sorghum intercropped with oversown Paiaguas palisadegrass.
They cannot accurately separate crops and the combined interrow soil and cover crop water use, and the crop coefficients are not easily adjustable for stressed conditions (e.g., Ting et al.
Two small horticulture units in south east Wales are to trial vision-guided, interrow weeders to determine the labour and time savings.
Each genotype was grown in a single row of 3 meters; the intrarow and interrow spacing was 0.20 m x 0.80 m.
The main technical parameters of the support were [phi]22 mm x 2400 mm regular screw-thread steel bolts, with seven bolts in the roof, and the interrow spacing was 700mm x 700mm.
The interrow spacings of 20 cm (500,000 plants), 30 cm (333,333 plants [ha.sup.-1]), and 40 cm (250,000 plants [ha.sup.-1]) were assigned to the main plot whereas varieties Arerti (Kabuli type) and Mariye (Desi type) and blended fertilizer (NPSB 18.1% N, 36.1% [P.sub.2][O.sub.5], 6.7% S and 0.71% B) with four levels (0kg[ha.sup.-1], 50kg [ha.sup.-1], 100kg[ha.sup.-1], and 150kg[ha.sup.-1]) was assigned to the subplot with twenty-four treatment combinations replicated three times.