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(Architecture) architect a short, horizontal roofing timber that secures two upright posts to each other
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References in periodicals archive ?
However, they criticize the ruling military council for its intertie and call to purge the army and other security services from the military institutions.
The Reynolds Creek project will be connected to the existing grid to serve the communities of Craig, Klawock, Hollis, Hydaburg, Thorne Bay, Kasaan, and Coffman Cove, with a future intertie connection to Naukati Bay.
The paths will also help intertie the multiple uses planned for Northgate including single-family housing, multifamily housing, a medical campus, high-tech industrial space and light commercial space.
2 (2010): 239-259; and Julia Haggerty, "Transmission Lines and Property Value Impacts: A Summary of Published Research on Property Value Impacts from High Voltage Transmission Lines" (report prepared by Headwaters Economics for the Mountain States Transmission Intertie Review Project, May 2012).
To do this, equation (13) and (14) which are presented in [30] are used for fuzzifying the weight intertie and c1 and c2 presented in [27] for defining an adaptive fuzzy particle swarm optimization.
Southwest Intertie. (35) But during oversupply events, supply might
These range from low frequency intertie modes (typically 0.1 - 1.0 Hz), to local modes (typically 1 - 2Hz), to intra-plant modes (about 2 -3 Hz).
Generally speaking, this hybrid transmission structure originates from the expansion of the DC transmission line based on the existing AC transmission corridor with the growth of the load, such as the pacific intertie HVDC in America and the CSPG in China.
The utility system studied is an islanded system with generation and load on one island with no intertie to a neighboring system.