

an inward turn
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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This expansion work drives the turbine which inturn drives the compressor and the coupled generator.
A patient's history, clinical signs, response to previous therapy helped in confirming the cytologic examination findings which inturn aided in diagnosing Malassezia dermatitis.
This inturn has fuelled soaring building costs in the region, pointed out Salwa Malhas, executive vice-president of Al Mazaya Holdings.
b) Unfettered right of private ownership and free market economy has helped confinement of national wealth in a few hands which inturn accentuates unrestricted profiteering.
Before the ban the student bodies were compelled to obey certain code of ethics due to the fact that they inturn had to resort to general students for annual consensus called elections.
Agriculture-based industries should be promoted to solve unemployment problem and to stop influx of population to urban centres which inturn creates multi-dimensional problems in the cities.
Mojaki expressed his reservations in an interview, explaining that some of the players might be affected by the paint which will inturn affect the players' performance in their crucial encounter against Banyana Banyana.
However, The Urologist's ability to access the kidney in the operating room can transform PCNL to be carried out as a single-stage procedure, which inturn can minimize the transfer of patient to the radiology suit to place the tract after retrograde ureteric catheter insertion in the operating room, and then returning back to the operating room for the final step of stone-removal.
Ambassador Ismayilov, inturn,said that Qatar is interested to explore investment climate in Azerbaijan and incentives offered to foreign investors and investment opportunities in all sectors.
Saudi Arabia has unveiled Phase Two of its National Renewable Energy Program (NREP) that will see seven solar photovoltaic (PV) projects being developed in the kingdom which inturn will generate 1.52 GW energy and attract investments worth over $1.51 billion.
Studies report that exercising reduces fatigue during and after treatment thereby rendering gain in muscle mass, improved lung ventilation-perfusion ratio, increasing the concentration of oxidative enzymes in our body inturn reducing fatigue and improving physical performance.