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References in periodicals archive ?
Isabella Bank Corporation (OTCQX: ISBA) is the parent holding company of Isabella Bank, a state chartered bank headquartered in Mt.
"The government has failed to make its case for a watershed," James Barge, Isba's director of public policy, told City A.M.
For the Maki vacancy in the 12th subcircuit -- which includes parts of Wheeling, Northfield, New Trier, Elk Grove and Maine townships -- the ISBA rated David Studenroth and Joel Chupack qualified.
Debbie Morrison, ISBA's director of consultancy and best practice, said the need for brands to set clear expectations was one reason why ISBA created a new set of terms for advertisers to use when working with media agencies.
Meanwhile, ISBA's director of media and advertising, Bob Wootton seemed little convinced and said that advertisers would be concerned with the move and they rightly demand that where possible their ads are protected from appearing against explicit content, whatever the context of that content.
ISBA's director of public affairs Ian Twinn criticised health campaigners for using over-simplistic scapegoat solutions to inform recent campaigns advocating ad bans.
Seeking to rely on the sponsorship provisions of the LOS Convention, on 10 April 2008 two Pacific island developing states, Nauru and Tonga, applied to ISBA for approval to obtain contracts to explore for polymetallic nodules.
The Cathedral School provides a small number of means-tested bursaries, based on the requirements set out by the Independent Schools Bursar Association (ISBA), each year.
Among the valuable free benefits accompanying ISBA membership is access to ISBA's online archive of more than 300 Ethics Advisory Opinions and the ISBA Ethics Infoline at (800) 252-8908.
Giving "silver encouragement" in the form of pitchers, goblets, and bowls presented in elaborate public ceremonies secured the involvement of the countryside's prominent men (ISBA, "Fayette County" 1853).
Earlier this week advertiser body ISBA joined the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) in expressing concern about who would oversee Project Canvas.