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Related to isobath: isotherm


(Physical Geography) a line on a map connecting points of equal underwater depth
[C19: from Greek isobathēs of equal depth, from iso- + bathos depth]
ˌisoˈbathic adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The IBM domain extends from 32o30'S to 51o20'W, and the initial spawning site was located at the PLE mouth, near the 10 m isobath (between 32[degrees] 11'24"S to 32[degrees] 12'0"S), with an area of 2.42 [km.sup.2] (Fig.
japonicus Mindong population has two overwintering grounds: one near the100 meters isobath north of Taiwan and the other in the south-central water of the Taiwan Strait (co-occurring with the Minnan population) (Yan, 1997).
Caption: Figure 1 Map of the eastern Bering Sea, showing locations (open stars) of skate nursery areas designated as habitat areas of particular concern and the 200-m isobath.
The time- and space-dependent trajectory of a simulated larva was tracked in the flow field until the larva satisfied the criteria for setting by reaching settlement size (260 urn) within 35 days of release and by being within the potential settlement habitat (shallower than the 60-m isobath) anywhere on the shelf.
All Nansen CTD profiles collected in water depths deeper than 100 m but restricted to a coastal band extending to 0.6[degrees] offshore of the 100-m isobath were incorporated into the analysis.
Study site: The study area is the oceanic waters of the Colombian Caribbean over a 900-m isobath. A total of 36 stations were sampled, 13 during the transitional season between the dry and rainy seasons (May - June 2008), and 19 during the rainy season (NovemberDecember 2009) (Fig.
Belugas move westward from July through October, crossing the Beaufort Sea but traveling seaward of the 200 m isobath (Moore et al., 2000; Richard et al., 2001).