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in an itchy manner
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Protests were staged, at which point the artist released an itchily defensive statement that equated the demonstrators' actions to those of "right-wing trolls carrying tiki-torches and howling for walls to be built." Despite calls for its closure, the show stayed up for its full run, but the entire enterprise had by then been swallowed by the debate, and its centerpiece, August, made an unwitting casualty of Fast's superfluous, tin-eared gesture.
However, while she's attracted to him and itchily horny, she's vowed to never date until her smart, self-aware but plug-ugly (bad teeth, bad skin, excess body hair, infected toe nail) childhood best friend June (Christine Lakin) gets laid too.
Itchily, there was no clue as to what a 'flying flea' might be, nor any real clue as to what era we might be looking at: but this did not faze reader Mr J Armitage of Crosland Moor.