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(Plants) any of various flowering shrubs or small trees of the genus Ixora that are native to Asia but are now also found widely throughout the USA
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈɪk sər ə)

any of numerous tropical shrubs or trees belonging to the genus Ixora, of the madder family, having glossy leaves and clusters of showy flowers in a variety of colors.
[1815–20; < New Latin (Linnaeus) « Skt īśvara Ishvara, Hindu deity]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
xerocarpa, Hippotis panamensis, (H)offmannia liesneriana, Isertia haenkeana, Ixora nicaraguensis, Ladenbergia heterophylla, Margaritopsis haematocarpa, Mitracarpus hirtus (T), Notopleura anomothyrsa, N.
Summary: The current study examined the cytotoxic activity of chloroform flowers extracts of five Ixora species Linn.
Stripe, chairman of the board of directors of Episurf Medical AB; Saeid Esmaeilzadeh, representing Serendipity Ixora AB; Peter Ragnarsson, representing LMK Forward AB; and Leif Ryd, representing Gile Medicinkonsult AB.
In addition to biological synthesis methods of nanoparticles reported using Escherichia coli (Ajay et al., 2010) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (Shantkriti and Rani, 2014) and by Ixora coccinea leaf extract (Yedurkar et al., 2017).
Ixora coccinea enhances cutaneous wound healing by upregulating the expression of collagen and basic fibroblast growth factor.
Treatments were arranged in randomized blocks, in splitsplit plots, with four replicates: six levels of irrigation water salinity (ECw) in the plots ([W.sub.1] - 0.6; [W.sub.2] - 1.2; [W.sub.3] - 1.8; [W.sub.4] - 2.4; [W.sub.5] - 3.0 and [W.sub.6] - 3.6 dS [m.sup.-1]), two irrigation methods in the subplots [[M.sub.1] - water application directly in the substrate (localized irrigation) and [M.sub.2] - water application on the leaves, manually, with a watering can (sprinkler irrigation)] and four ornamental species in the sub-subplots ([S.sub.1] - Catharanthus roseus; [S.sub.2] - Allamanda cathartica; [S.sub.3] - Ixora coccinea and [S.sub.4] - Duranta erecta), with 48 plants in each block, totaling 192 experimental units, composed of one plant per pot.
The Philippine capital, Manila or Maynila(d), is named after the tree nilad (Ixora Manila) that used to grow in mangrove swamps around Manila and Luzon.